VERSION 2.3.1 2022-07-28 Bug fixes: * Fix recently introduced issue where Reader/Writer closes file-like objects provided by user (#244) VERSION 2.3.0 2022-04-30 New Features: * Added support for pathlib and path-like shapefile filepaths (@mwtoews). * Allow reading individual file extensions via filepaths. Improvements: * Simplified setup and deployment (@mwtoews) * Faster shape access when missing shx file * Switch to named logger (see #240) Bug fixes: * More robust handling of corrupt shapefiles (fixes #235) * Fix errors when writing to individual file-handles (fixes #237) * Revert previous decision to enforce geojson output ring orientation (detailed explanation at * Fix test issues in environments without network access (@sebastic, @musicinmybrain). VERSION 2.2.0 2022-02-02 New Features: * Read shapefiles directly from zipfiles. * Read shapefiles directly from urls. * Allow fast extraction of only a subset of dbf fields through a `fields` arg. * Allow fast filtering which shapes to read from the file through a `bbox` arg. Improvements: * More examples and restructuring of README. * More informative Shape to geojson warnings (see #219). * Add shapefile.VERBOSE flag to control warnings verbosity (default True). * Shape object information when calling repr(). * Faster ring orientation checks, enforce geojson output ring orientation. Bug fixes: * Remove null-padding at end of some record character fields. * Fix dbf writing error when the number of record list or dict entries didn't match the number of fields. * Handle rare garbage collection issue after deepcopy ( * Fix bug where records and shapes would be assigned incorrect record number (@karanrn) * Fix typos in docs (@timgates) VERSION 2.1.3 2021-01-14 Bug fixes: * Fix recent bug in geojson hole-in-polygon checking (see #205) * Misc fixes to allow geo interface dump to json (eg dates as strings) * Handle additional dbf date null values, and return faulty dates as unicode (see #187) * Add writer target typecheck * Fix bugs to allow reading shp/shx/dbf separately * Allow delayed shapefile loading by passing no args * Fix error with writing empty z/m shapefile (@mcuprjak) * Fix signed_area() so ignores z/m coords * Enforce writing the 11th field name character as null-terminator (only first 10 are used) * Minor README fixes * Added more tests VERSION 2.1.2 2020-09-10 Bug fixes: * Fix issue where `warnings.simplefilter('always')` changes global warning behavior [see #203] VERSION 2.1.1 2020-09-09 Improvements: * Handle shapes with no coords and represent as geojson with no coords (GeoJSON null-equivalent) * Expand testing to Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and PyPy; drop 3.3 and 3.4 [@mwtoews] * Added pytest testing [@jmoujaes] Bug fixes: * Fix incorrect geo interface handling of multipolygons with complex exterior-hole relations [see #202] * Enforce shapefile requirement of at least one field, to avoid writing invalid shapefiles [@Jonty] * Fix Reader geo interface including DeletionFlag field in feature properties [@nnseva] * Fix polygons not being auto closed, which was accidentally dropped * Fix error for null geometries in feature geojson * Misc docstring cleanup [@fiveham] VERSION 2.1.0 2019-02-15 New Features: * Added back read/write support for unicode field names. * Improved Record representation * More support for geojson on Reader, ShapeRecord, ShapeRecords, and shapes() Bug fixes: * Fixed error when reading optional m-values * Fixed Record attribute autocomplete in Python 3 * Misc readme cleanup VERSION 2.0.1 2018-11-05 * Fix pip install README decoding error. VERSION 2.0.0 2018-09-01 (Note: Some contributor attributions may be missing.) New Features: * Full support for unicode text, with custom encoding, and exception handling. - Means that the Reader returns unicode, and the Writer accepts unicode. * PyShp has been simplified to a pure input-output library using the Reader and Writer classes, dropping the Editor class. * Switched to a new streaming approach when writing files, keeping memory-usage at a minimum: - Specify filepath/destination and text encoding when creating the Writer. - The file is written incrementally with each call to shape/record. - Adding shapes is now done using dedicated methods for each shapetype. * Reading shapefiles is now more convenient: - Shapefiles can be opened using the context manager, and files are properly closed. - Shapefiles can be iterated, have a length, and supports the geo interface. - New ways of inspecing shapefile metadata by printing. [@megies] - More convenient accessing of Record values as attributes. [@philippkraft] - More convenient shape type name checking. [@megies] * Add more support and documentation for MultiPatch 3D shapes. * The Reader "elevation" and "measure" attributes now renamed "zbox" and "mbox", to make it clear they refer to the min/max values. * Better documentation of previously unclear aspects, such as field types. Bug Fixes: * More reliable/robust: - Fixed shapefile bbox error for empty or point type shapefiles. [@mcuprjak] - Reading and writing Z and M type shapes is now more robust, fixing many errors, and has been added to the documentation. [@ShinNoNoir] - Improved parsing of field value types, fixed errors and made more flexible. - Fixed bug when writing shapefiles with datefield and date values earlier than 1900 [@megies] * Fix some geo interface errors, including checking polygon directions. * Bug fixes for reading from case sensitive file names, individual files separately, and from file-like objects. [@gastoneb, @kb003308, @erickskb] * Enforce maximum field limit. [@mwtoews] VERSION 1.2.12 * ? VERSION 1.2.11 2017-04-29 Karim Bahgat * Fixed bugs when reading and writing empty shapefiles. * Fixed bug when writing null geometry. * Fixed misc data type errors. * Fixed error when reading files with wrong record length. * Use max field precision when saving decimal numbers. * Improved shapetype detection. * Expanded docs on data types. * General doc additions and travis icon. VERSION 1.2.10 2016-09-24 Karim Bahgat * Bump version to fix pip install issue. VERSION 1.2.9 2016-09-22 Karim Bahgat * Revert back to fix #66. VERSION 1.2.8 2016-08-17 Joel Lawhead * Configured Travis-CI VERSION 1.2.5 2016-08-16 Joel Lawhead * Reader speed up through batch unpacking bytes * Merge README text into markdown file. Remove text version. * Fixed parsing of number of points for some shapes (MULTIPOINTM, MULTIPOINTZ) VERSON 1.2.3 2015-06-21 Joel Lawhead * (u) Bugfix for Python3 with Reader.iterShapeRecords() VERSION 1.2.2 ### upcoming (2015/01/09 05:27 +00:00) - [#11]( Merge pull request #11 from 7mp/master (@7mp) - [#1]( Merge pull request #1 from rgbkrk/patch-1 (@rgbkrk) - [#13]( Merge pull request #13 from jzmiller1/patch-1 (@jzmiller1) - [#16]( Merge pull request #16 from riggsd/null-friendly (@riggsd) - [#17]( Merge pull request #17 from riggsd/no-asserts (@riggsd) - [#19]( Merge pull request #19 from razzius/master (@razzius) - [#20]( Merge pull request #20 from Brideau/patch-1 (@Brideau) - [12d69d4]( Updated to version 1.2.1 to match PyPI (@GeospatialPython) - [05b69dc]( Updated to version 1.2.1 to match PyPI (@GeospatialPython) - [d2e9f1a]( Typo: recordsIter should be iterRecords (@Brideau) - [a965aff]( Format README code sample (@razzius) - [66e1802]( Raise ShapefileException for runtime errors rather than using `assert()` - [d72723c]( Return None when parsing (illegal) NULL attribute values in numeric and date fields, like those produced by QGIS - [783e68c]( Update link to "XBase File Format Description" (@jzmiller1) - [79cc409]( Added `Reader.iterShapeRecords` to help work with larger files - [18c5521]( URL Change (@rgbkrk) - [202143c]( TOC Take 2 - [2cca75c]( TOC - [8b5e994]( - [f31a3d7]( Update README.txt (@GeospatialPython) VERSION 1.2.1 2014-05-11 Joel Lawhead * (u) fixed bug which failed to properly read some dbf fields in Python 3 VERSION 1.2.0 2013-09-05 Joel Lawhead *README.txt add example/test for writing a 3D polygon VERSION 1.1.9 2013-07-27 Joel Lawhead * (Writer.__shpRecords) fixed inconsistency between Reader and Writer when referencing "z" and "m" values. This bug caused errors only when editing 3D shapefiles. VERSION 1.1.8 2013-07-02 Joel Lawhead * (Writer.poly()) fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect part indexes *README.txt updated several errors in the documentation. 2013-06-25 Joel Lawhead * (Reader.shapes(),Reader.iterShapes()) Updated to verify the file length by seeking to the end. A user reported shapefiles in the wild which had incorrect .shp file lengths reported in the header which crashed when reading or iterating shapes. Most insist on using the .shx file but there's no real reason to do so. VERSION 1.1.7 2013-06-22 Joel Lawhead * (_Shape.__geo_interface__) Added Python __geo_interface__ convention to export shapefiles as GeoJSON. * (Reader.__init__) Used is_string() method to detect filenames passed as unicode strings. * (Reader.iterShapes) Added iterShapes() method to iterate through geometry records for parsing large files efficiently. * (Reader.iterRecords) Added iterRecords() method to iterate through dbf records efficiently in large files. * (Reader.shape) Modified shape() method to use iterShapes() if shx file is not available. * (main) Added __version__ attribute. * (Writer.record) Fixed bug which prevents writing the number 0 to dbf fields. * (Reader.__shape) Updated to calculate and seek the start of the next record. The shapefile spec does not require the content of a geometry record to be as long as the content length defined in the header. The result is you can delete features without modifying the record header allowing for empty space in records. * (Writer.poly) Added enforcement of closed polygons * ( Added unique file name generator to use if no file names are passed to a writer instance when saving (ex. The unique file name is returned as a string. *README.txt (main) Added tests for iterShapes(), iterRecords(), __geo_interface__() *README.txt (main) Updated "bbox" property documentation to match Esri specification.